Benefits of being involved in Healthy Sports Clubs:
- Club members receive access to free health and wellbeing workshops and resources.
- Enter our competitions with the potential to win prizes.
- Gain access to a monthly sports club newsletter with all the latest grants and information.
- Receive free support with grant applications (including Monash Health support letter for grants).
- Receive free promotion to the local community.
- Opportunities to network with other sports clubs in your area.
- Receive official recognition for becoming a Healthy Sports Club!
100% of sports clubs/associations who have participated in Healthy Sports Clubs rated is as valuable or very valuable.
According to clubs and associations who have completed a health area, the top three most valuable aspects of Healthy Sports Clubs are:
- Getting one-on-one support from a health promotion practitioner.
- Getting help to develop a game plan (action plan).
- Access to resources, tips and ideas.
Representatives from clubs and associations who have completed a health area have noticed many positive health and wellbeing changes within their communities, including:
- Conversations being started about health and wellbeing around their clubrooms/venue.
- Increase in their own knowledge of health and wellbeing.
- Increase in other’s knowledge of health and wellbeing.
Overall, 82% of sports clubs/associations who completed a health area noticed an increase in the number of people at their clubrooms or venue acting in a way that promotes health. For example, choosing healthier food or beverage options, not smoking or vaping, implementing injury prevention methods, using sun protection, or promoting inclusion.
“Users believe in us because we are going above and beyond. It adds to our credibility.” – City of Casey sports association.