Find contact phone numbers, addresses and visitor information for Monash Health’s campuses and community services.
Contact the Monash Health switchboard on 03 9594 6666.
Learn more about our emergency departments or please call 000 if you are in an emergency or life-threatening situation.
For COVID-19 Screening Clinic locations, please see our information about coronavirus disease (COVID-19) page.
Monash Health Community supports our community in order to improve and maintain health, independence and well-being.
Monash Health are the largest mental health provider in Victoria, providing comprehensive services in both hospital and community settings.
Monash Health’s specialised living options for the aging provides personalised care both in the home and in five residential homes in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
We take the security of our systems seriously. The responsible disclosure of cybersecurity vulnerabilities helps ensure the security and privacy of everyone in the Monash Health community.
If you believe you have found an online security vulnerability, please let us know via
Monash Health does not condone malicious or illegal behaviour in the identification and reporting of security vulnerabilities.