Physiotherapy at Monash Health
Monash Health is the largest metropolitan health service in Victoria. We provide comprehensive primary, secondary and tertiary health care services to people in Melbourne’s south-east. That equates to around 32% of metropolitan Melbourne!
Monash Health offers Physiotherapy Services across the lifespan from Neonatal Services and Paediatric Services to Residential Aged Care making us unique in Australia. In addition, Physiotherapists work across the continuum of care from the Emergency Department and Intensive Care to Rehabilitation, Community Health and Palliative Care. This means that whatever your age or wherever you are in your healthcare journey you may encounter a Monash Health Physiotherapist.
Monash Health employs over 240 physiotherapists across:
- Casey Hospital
- Dandenong Hospital
- Jessie McPherson Private Hospital
- Kingston Centre
- Monash Medical Centre Clayton
- Monash Medical Centre Moorabbin
- Monash Health Community
- Community Health
- Community Rehabilitation – Centre Based
- Community Rehabilitation – Home Based
- Residential Aged Care Services
- Specialty Clinics
Career opportunities for physiotherapists at Monash Health
There are fantastic opportunities to grow and develop as a physiotherapist at Monash Health, regardless of whether you are an undergraduate student, early in your professional career or a more senior clinician. We offer a range of Grade 1 and Grade 2 rotations and opportunities, well supported by a diverse Grade 3 and 4 workforce.
Monash Health has a number of Advanced Practice Physiotherapy Services provided across a range of clinical areas including, but not limited to:
- Continence and Women’s Health
- Emergency Department
- Lymphoedema
- Orthopaedics
- Paediatrics
Monash Health Physiotherapy is well supported by the Allied Health Research Unit, providing an avenue to develop your research skills and further your career.
For details on career opportunities for Physiotherapists available at Monash Health, please visit our Current Vacancies.
Physiotherapy services offered at Monash Health
- Inpatient Physiotherapy
- Monash Health Community
- Outpatient Physiotherapy
- Private Outpatient Physiotherapy
- Specialty Clinics
Other areas of physiotherapy at Monash Health