Information about what is Parkinson’s Disease from Parkinson’s Victoria
Information about what is Parkinson’s Disease from Parkinson’s Foundation
Information about what is Parkinson’s Disease from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Basal ganglia
a group of structures or nuclei located deep in the brain that are primarily responsible for the control of movement
slowness of movement, one of the key signs of Parkinson’s disease
Deep brain stimulation
small electrodes placed in specific areas of the brain that deliver electric pulses to control some motor symptoms, e.g. tremor in Parkinson’s disease
involuntary muscle movements involving one or more body parts caused by some PD medications
difficulty swallowing
involuntary painful muscle contractions leading to abnormal body postures
sudden involuntary inability to start moving or continue walking
stiffness of the muscles, one of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease