Clinical Genetics

The Monash Genetics Service at Monash Health assists with the diagnosis, management, counselling and support of adults and children with a wide range of genetic disorders and includes prenatal diagnosis for various genetic conditions.

The general genetics team uses a non-directive, patient-centred care approach, assisting patients and families to understand and make informed decisions about their healthcare options.
Patients attending this service may have a genetic disorder or be at risk of one through their family history.

Most genetic consultations are outpatient appointments at Monash Medical Centre or Monash Children’s Hospital in Clayton with a weekly outpatient clinic also held at Casey Medical Centre.

Ward consultations for urgent inpatient assessment and advice can also be organised as required. Please call our department on ext. 42026 and ask for the fellow on-call.


Referrals to the Genetics Department at Monash Health should be completed through HealthLink and addressed to the Unit Director, A/Prof Matthew Hunter. The patient will be seen by a suitable clinician within the service. The referral should indicate that it is valid for an indefinite period.

It is vital to include all genetic test results, letters, and other assessments relevant to the condition, if these were not performed at Monash Health. Referrals without enough supporting information may be rejected. Please indicate the urgency of the referral and the reasons why it is urgent to assist with triage (we have very long waitlists).

Correspondence regarding the patient’s contact with our clinic will be sent back to the referring doctor and other relevant doctors.

Please note: Monash Health also has another clinical genetics service, the Familial Cancer Centre (FCC), which focuses on the diagnosis and counselling of inherited cancer syndromes. Referrals to the FCC should be made separately and directed to the FCC Unit Director, Associate Professor Marion Harris.

To view the Monash Genetics Referral Guidelines, please visit the Referrals – Genetics page on the Monash Health website.

General enquiries: (03) 9594 2026


Clinics provide assessment, diagnosis and a management plan for adults and children with genetic conditions. Monash Genetics provides an assessment and diagnostic service only; ongoing long-term management is not provided by Monash Genetics.

Specialty clinics

The general genetics team provides various multi-disciplinary specialty clinics in neurogenetics, cardiogenetics, renal genetics, skeletal dysplasias, hearing loss, craniofacial and cleft lip and palate, genetic skin conditions, prenatal genetics and thalassaemia genetics.

Genetic testing

Monash Genetics provides access to a wide range of investigative options, both genetic and non-genetic. Genetic testing, if deemed necessary will be tailored to the individual needs of a patient and can include targeted or genome-wide approaches.

Monash Genetics is committed to the advances in genomic technology, offering testing to many children and adults, as well as those in a prenatal setting. Some genomic testing is funded by Medicare. Other routes for funded testing may be available through the Victorian Department of Health, Monash Health funding or research projects.

We do not facilitate access to reproductive genetic carrier screening or general genetic health screening tests. Please discuss such tests with your GP or specialist, or you can seek private genetic counselling. Find a Genetics Clinic.

Management plan

Genetic testing is organised, where applicable, to assist with diagnosis, and management of various genetic conditions. After diagnosis, patients will receive a management plan and detailed summary letter to assist communication with relatives and other healthcare providers. They may be referred to specialist clinics for assessment, and/or ongoing management which may include medical, surgical or allied health interventions. Monash Genetics will then hand over the ongoing management to other healthcare providers such as specialists, GPs or Paediatricians.

Our Team

Our multi-disciplinary service is led by:

  • Associate Professor Matthew Hunter – Unit Director & Clinical Geneticist
  • Helen Curd – Lead Genetic Counsellor & Unit Manager
  • Anita Gorrie – Lead Genetic Counsellor & Unit Manager

Clinical Geneticists in the team include:

  • Dr Emma Krzesinski – Clinical Geneticist
  • Dr Andrew Fennell – Clinical Geneticist
  • Dr Tegan French – Clinical Geneticist
  • Dr Matthew Regan – Clinical Geneticist
  • Professor Michael Fahey – Neurologist & Clinical Geneticist
  • Dr Kunal Verma – Adult Cardiologist and Clinical Geneticist
  • Dr Ari Horton – Paediatric Cardiologist and Clinical Geneticist

Visiting specialists include Associate Professor Tiong Tan (Clinical Geneticist – Craniofacial and Cleft Clinic), Professor Ravi Savarirayan (Clinical Geneticist – Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic), Dr Sarah Lee (Neurologist – Neurogenetics Clinic) and Mr Chris Harris (Orthopaedic Surgeon – Skeletal Dysplasia Clinic).

Our team of dedicated genetic counsellors are available daily for advice regarding referrals and patient care. Many appointments are led by genetic counsellors with pre- and post-clinic input from a clinical geneticist.

Genetic Counsellors in the team include:

  • Laura Barth
  • Fiona Cunningham
  • Nikki Gelfand
  • Jessica Planner
  • Sachini Poogoda
  • Molly Krause
  • Kathryn Visser
  • Leah Lazzaro
  • Ellie Prawer

Our accomplished administration team including clinical assistants, headed up by Angie Byrnes, powers our whole department, and provides attentive service to our patients.

Please note that from 27 August 2024 until late October, Clayton Road is completely closed to all non-emergency traffic between Monash Medical Centre and Haughton Road, just south of the railway line.Learn more