Monash Genetics Clinic provides for the diagnosis, management, counselling and support of adults and children with a wide range of genetic disorders and also includes prenatal diagnosis for various genetic conditions. Initial referral to a paediatrician or adult physician should be considered prior to referral to Monash Genetics.
- Address referral to the Head of Unit: Dr Matthew Hunter
- The patient will be seen by a clinician within this specialty
- The referral should indicate that it is valid for an indefinite period.
Please note:
- There is a very high demand for genetics appointments and there can be a long wait for routine appointments.
- In some situations genetic testing may be offered. Genetic testing may not be available or appropriate for all situations.
- Most genetic tests have no Medicare rebates. Some genetic tests may incur out of pocket costs, which will be discussed with your patient.
- Some genetic test results can take a very long time (sometimes 6 months or longer).
- It is important to plan a referral to genetics well in advance of future family planning, if possible.
- For cancer specific genetic referrals, please use the Familial Cancer referral guidelines.
Secure eReferral by HealthLink is now our preferred method of referral.
Find up-to-date information about how to send a referral to Monash Health Specialist Consulting Clinics on the eReferrals page on our website.