Cleft and Facial Anomalies

The Cleft and Facial Anomalies clinic at Monash Health provides services for treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate, other congenital cranial and facial anomalies and associated conditions including speech, dental and hearing difficulties associated with cleft lip and palate.

Cleft and Facial Anomalies

Patients are assessed by a comprehensive team including plastic surgeons, orthodontists, maxillofacial surgeons, ear nose and throat surgeons, speech pathologists and audiologists.

A full program of treatment is available from birth to adulthood, including cleft lip and palate repair, speech therapy, audiology, ear surgery, dental and orthodontic treatment, maxillofacial surgery, rhinoplasty (nose therapy) and secondary lip and palate surgery (if required). Antenatal consultations also available.

  • Address referral to the Head of Unit: Mr Chris Bennett

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Please note that from 27 August 2024 until late October, Clayton Road is completely closed to all non-emergency traffic between Monash Medical Centre and Haughton Road, just south of the railway line.Learn more