Community Support Options provides a wide range of respite services to carers of the frail aged and people living with a disability. By offering a large number of respite services, we help to prevent or delay the need for long-term residential care.
What is Community Support Options Respite Care?
Community Support Options respite care promotes the use of respite care in the community. We provide a flexible service with a variety of options.
We offer both one on one respite and group activities.
Our services meet the needs of carers and those they care for.
We provide respite that is meaningful for the carer and the person being cared for.
We integrate our service with existing respite service providers.
Who is eligible for Community Support Options Respite Care?
Community Support Options Respite Care is available for carers who live in these areas:
- Casey
- Cardinia
- Greater Dandenong
The services are available to:
- Frail older people
- People recently diagnosed with dementia
- People with dementia and challenging behaviours
- Younger people with a disability over 18 years
Is there a fee?
A fee is charged for individual and group services. All fees are negotiable. No one will be denied a service they need because they are unable to pay the fees.