Aimee Chambers first arrived at Monash Children’s Hospital with her premature baby girl Peyton; now, five years later, she is on her first rotation as a nurse at the paediatric ward at Casey Hospital.
As reported by the Herald Sun, Peyton arrived 13 weeks before her New Year’s Eve due date.
Aimee and her partner Stuart would then spend almost 100 days by her side at the Monash Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Aimee was inspired by the care the dedicated medical team gave to their only child.
“I spent a lot of time there with the nurses and doctors, and just watching their interactions and how they were with Peyton,” says Aimee.
For Aimee, who had been a wedding singer for most of her life, it would set her on a new path.
“I thought, this is something that I could do. And my experience will perhaps make it easier to advocate for other families.”
With plenty of support and encouragement from family, Aimee began her Bachelor of Nursing at Monash University.
She has recently graduated as a nurse, with smiling five-year-old Peyton by her side.
We are thankful to have Aimee bringing both her nursing skills and singing talents to the wards at Monash Health.
“I think the music is therapeutic. It helps create routine, it helps create calm.”