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Meet Tao Browne, Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Program Management Office and Deputy Director. What is your role at Monash Health and what does it entail? EMR Program Management Office and Deputy Director. What has your journey been like...

Have you had your influenza vaccine? Get your vaccine now to be protected before the peak flu season.The influenza vaccine is the most important way to prevent influenza and it's complications.To learn more read our...

Meet Rosie Brown, Infection Control Consultant at Monash Health.What does your role at Monash Health entail?Infection Control Consultants are responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the Infection Control and Prevention program at Monash...

We are very proud to announce that Tracey Stephens has won The 2019 HESTA Midwife of the Year award.Tracey plays a pivotal role at Monash Health as the Aboriginal Health Liaison Midwife and Aboriginal Graduate...

Meet Nerine Wilson, Nurse Manager at Ward 44, Monash Medical Centre.What does being a nurse at Monash Health mean to you?Nursing is a rewarding profession and my role as Nurse Manager at Monash Health means...

Meet Jess Sneider, Associate Nurse Unit Manager at Monash Medical Centre.What is your role and what does it entail?I work as a midwife on the postnatal ward at the moment and I’m doing a rotation...

Meet Cathy Oddie, Family Violence Lived Experience Consultant in our Mental Health team at Monash Health.Cathy says she is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to bring her personal and professional experiences together in a...

We are very proud to announce that Tracey Stephens has been nominated as a finalist in the national 2019 HESTA Australian Nursing & Midwifery Awards. Tracey plays a pivotal role at Monash Health as the...

Influenza is a major cause of illness in the Australian community, and in some cases can result in death.The annual influenza vaccination is the most important way to prevent influenza and its complications.The virus changes...

Please note that from 27 August 2024 until late October, Clayton Road is completely closed to all non-emergency traffic between Monash Medical Centre and Haughton Road, just south of the railway line.Learn more